Lately we've been moving really slow with development lately. This wouldn't be because of lack of developers but a lack of general movement. When an idea gets presented people usually come up to me and are like, "Hey, that's a good idea" and we move on it. But so much focus and presentation goes into that one idea that somewhere, willpower gets lost along the way.
This has been a foremost problem in our projects. Mostly related to Daikatana II, where we had many great ideas but not enough people to flesh them out, so it mostly became just ideas, and with so much attention focused on them there wasn't much room to develop the "commonplace" for all games. With Psykotik, we instead focused on a single great idea and developed around it. While that game is still active the primary development members are currently battling "real life stuff", which is an unfortunate problem. I think we alleviated most of those problems when we regrouped, though.
Another thing I should mention is the restart of our mod team, TDG. Something I'm doing in my spare time when I just get burned out on Psykotik. We mostly work on mods for old-school games, such as DOOM or Duke Nukem 3d. While we won't gain any profit sometimes going back to basics reminds you of how far general design has come. While most first-person shooters are the same, tired old "find the key, open the door, press CTRL" formula, back when those puppies came out that's all we knew. So now, much more focus has been going into not repeating those mistakes, as the community nowadays likes to quote it. But as I said earlier, sometimes going back to basics can replenish your mind to be more open to all aspects of development, even the often-overlooked "dungeon-shooter". With Fusion, while not endorsed by the company, we can incorporate newer design ideas into an old formula to build upon what was already great. Of course, there is no commercial attention is it's really a love/hate thing.
So, we're still having server troubles, it will be back up in the meantime. Any email sent to the server might bounce back. Make sure to make back-ups just in case.
3dfx Development