Okay, well I decided to download a HDR converter today, and for the fun of it, decided to input some of Fusion's graphics and textures into it. What came out of it was beautiful and changed a lot of the mods overall look. It doesn't look so dark anymore (like Blood did) and looks a lot brighter and more realistic. That and I'm working on a corona effect (like when you stare at the sun). Especially using HDR lighting with the skyboxes makes it so breathtaking.
So, I'm in the process of adding HDR effects into Fusion, and will also be available in the Sega version. With the Sega version, since we had to take out all models, this looks exceptionally good looking for an old engine, even though it's just all image manipulation. I haven't added HDR to any model skins in the PC release, I'm just taking it one step at a time.
I think I'm going to post a couple of screenshots in the near future so you all can see the overall progress on the mod.