Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Yep, it's almost here. The Dreamcast version of Fusion is being finalized, and although the PC version is well off, the DC version is getting special attention.

This is due to when the port was started. TDGMods contracted 1200V back when EDGE 1.29 was released, and now that EDGE has moved on to support a wide variety of newer features, it leaves the DC version in obscurity..or does it?

This was actually a good thing in our minds. Now, we have two completely different versions that use two different engine versions as well. For some reason it clicked in our heads that it'd be easier to manage that way. So instead of porting the model/mirror/etc code to the DC version, we'll be using the standard workarounds that will let us better adjust to the console. This also means that less strain will be put on it, due to EDGE becoming graphically more advanced. So, in the end, this turned out to be a very good thing.

As for the release dates for both, nothing is certain. While the core gameplay and storyline will be present in both versions, necessary tweaks, additions, and DC exclusive stuff will mean that you will get two different experiences on both platforms. So expect it here soon, folks. While a playable build won't be out for awhile, that will not stop us from releasing tiny alpha builds, which will hopefully garner enough interest for us to continue it.

So, hopefully things turn out good for TDGMods.