Thursday, January 17, 2008

Doom Builder is a joke

Yeah, so I've been using DB to map, problem is, it doesn't work under Vista. At least, not lately.

For some reason, the program crashes when I attempt to save a map, it was not doing this awhile ago. I loaded up the editor because I wanted to test the slew of MD2 and MDL's that I packaged in to Fusion, and the damn program now gives me the same error when I attempt to save. If I try more than once, the program fucking quits.

So I've had it with Builder. I will use it to load my maps up in 3d but I think I'll stick with WadAuthor. The creator has shitty support for it, more like "I didn't write it for Vista"...IMO, if you're having so many problems with the program shouldn't you patch it? Or at least put up a disclaimer somewhere that the program "May or May Not work under Windows Vista". I am well aware of the remake he's doing to support Vista, but don't you think you should take that extra step now to satisfy your customers, especially since the new version won't be out for awhile?

I know the creators are working hard and stuff, and it's a fantastic program, but the tech support is lame and you never know if your problem will ever be fixed. Yes, I've tried every single solution available. You know what else pisses me that people blame Vista and say it's a shitty OS, but it's not! It's fantastic, and a big step up from XP. If I remember correctly everyone was saying the same thing about XP, even ME when it came out. I think the User Account Control is a great feature, something that XP lacked. Hey, if it keeps the pedos out of my PC, I'm going to use it.

All in all, I just wish they would pay more attention to Vista users. Or at least be more forthcoming with Vista owners.

And Fuck Apple and Linux users.